This is simply a place for videos about Parental Alienation and everything associated with this horrid abuse which plagues our society. Tell us what you think, suggest video subjects to cover, and share your videos.
We value your input and are open to any suggestions as to what to posts and subjects covered in our future videos. Change is happening now that we have the momentum. Lets keep it going and help to end Parental Alienation and reform our dysfunctional family court system. Our children count on us.
Videos will go directly to YouTube. April25.org: A Case for Parental Alienation
and links will be placed on this website.
Options for Uploading your video
This link [Upload video Files] below uploads directly to the YouTube Channel: April25.org : A Case for Parental Alienation
* This option allows you to have full control over your video. You can set it to private or even delete it.
By uploading your video, you are giving april25.org and/or parentalalienationvideos.com to display your videos. Your videos can be removed or deleted by simply asking for it to be removed.
By uploading your video, you are giving april25.org and/or parentalalienationvideos.com to display your videos. Your videos can be removed or deleted by simply asking for it to be removed.